鮪の叩き (Maguro no tataki)

This recipe certainly is not popular among those who don't like sushi once they hear it may contain raw fish. Mainly it's a raw tuna piece, and it's my very personal taste, but I really like it.

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 300g tuna in a single piece
  • 2x tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 1x spoon of sesame oil
  • 1x fresh ginger piece (about 2cm)
  • 1x garlic
  • Black pepper (powder)

    First of all you must clean the tuna piece by removing spines in case you didn't buy it ready. Usually frozen pieces have been previously cleaned and spines have been removed.
    Then you spread the black pepper in a dish and you roll the tuna block over the dish, until all sides get covered with pepper.
    Meanwhile you can heat the oil in a sauce pan, and when it's very hot you move the piece of tuna inside and very quickly,
    turn it so every side of the tuna block gets a little toasted. This has to be done very quickly, so that only the exterior faces of the block cook, but the interior must remain raw. Inmediatly after that remove the tuna from the sauce pan.
    Peel and cut into very small pieces the ginger root and mix with the crushed garlic, soy sauce and the sesame oil. Mix all these ingredients, and after cutting the tuna block in slices of about half centimeter, pour the mix over the slices.

    You can then throw some sesame seeds over, and you're ready to enjoy it. Itadakimasu.